Pretty much people ask me about how I filter my pics
Well, I discover it by myself
I mix two apps' filter and come out my own filter
which is Joselicios's filter
Well, this filter work perfectly for daylight picture
Especially those picture take under lighting.
It also can apply for SELCA
It let my skin looks so pinkish and pure : )
Apps you need to have
Camera360 and Meitu (美图秀秀)
I like pastel pics but I also like colorful pics
Quite confuse...So I try to mix the two filters that I like.
Import the picture you want to filter to Camera360
Press 'EFFECT' and choose 'LightColor'
It will automatic choose the first filter.
and this is the filter I want which is 'SWEET'
After that.... SAVE it
Move to another app name Meitu (美图秀秀)
Edit the contrast level
This is the important part for all!
Depend on how contrast you want
Normally I will put the level that I show on next picture.
Next, choose the '特效' and pick '阿宝色'
You need to adjust the percentage to 20%
This filter can tone down a little bit of your picture
Which looks more pastel and vintage.
SAVE and you have done!
Now show you the picture before filter
It just so.....Ewwww
This is the picture after filter
Looks so yummy and pastel!
It is simple!
Follow all the steps and you will get a nice picture
Hope you like it : )